Messages on Matthew (Page 3)

Messages on Matthew (Page 3)

Abuse in the Church

How do we reconcile the character Jesus embodied with the broken church we see today? Pastor Amy and Pastor Brent guide a discussion regarding abuse in the church, specifically spiritual abuse, sexual abuse, and abuses of authority. Hope and healing is possible, but it starts with recognizing and owning the flaws embedded in our churches’ cultures and systems. Sermon Manuscript [Introductory video shows headlines of abuse in the church] Amy: How do you feel? Sad, dread? Brent: Angry? Amy: Angry?…

King Herod

King Herod’s role in the Christmas story is one marked by power, greed, and paranoia. Pastor Amy explores how the empire of King Herod differs with the Kingdom Jesus established through his birth, life, death, and resurrection. Will we be people who are influenced by the power and corruption of the empire, or people marked by the humility and love of the Kingdom?

Giving Thanks

As we approach Thanksgiving, we celebrate all God has done and is doing at Ashworth Church. Learn about the answer to our fear and negativity and hear stories of hope and encouragement from our congregation.

While We Wait

There are countless theologies of how Jesus will return, but what do we do while we wait? Pastor Brent explores Scripture in the books of Revelation and Matthew to invite us to discern, persevere, encourage, preserve, and proclaim in the meantime.

But Is It Really?

Most of us grew up in fear of Jesus’ return. Terms like the “rapture,” “tribulation,” and “dispensationalism” leave us more confused than excited about what the return of Jesus will look like. Pastor Brent explores Matthew 24 with its original context and intent in mind, helping turn what is typically a doomsday message into one of hope and encouragement.

Last Christmas

The heart is used to describe the core of who we are and the seat of our emotions. But are we careless with what we are doing with our hearts, or are we giving it away to something or someone worth giving it to? Pastor Brent looks at Wham!’s Last Christmas and Matthew 15 to encourage a heart check this Christmas.

The Narrow Way

As Jesus concludes his Sermon on the Mount he makes some shocking claims about those who will and won’t follow him. Is Jesus being narrow-minded in making such exclusive claims? Or is there a true dichotomy that Jesus presents us that we must contend with? Additional Resource From NIVAC – Matthew by Michael J. Wilkins In these four brief scenes that conclude the SM, all of humanity stands before Jesus, and he asks each, “What will you do with me?”•…

The Golden Rule

In a world where we often treat one another the way we think they deserve to be treated, Jesus offers a better way. But has the Golden Rule become just another cliche we ignore? Or is there a way for those who follow Jesus to find and bring life to others by doing to others as we would like done to us?

Ask, Seek, Knock

Have you ever wanted something so bad you prayed and prayed for it only to feel let down by God? As Jesus talks about prayer for the third time in the Sermon on the Mount, he adds a bit of confusion by saying all we have to do is ask and we will get what we have for. But our experience tells us otherwise. Pastor Brent looks at Matthew 7 and shows how our emphasis on receiving might miss the…

Don’t Judge

When you see someone do something you believe is wrong, can you say something? Or if you speak to the situation are you immediately judging? In Matthew 7, Jesus explicitly says do not judge but what does that mean and how can Jesus followers be salt and light and challenge culture when appropriate if everything we say to challenge it is considered judging. Pastor Brent looks at the words of Jesus to see that Jesus isn’t forbidding moral discernment but…

Don’t Worry

Worry seems to be a part fo daily life for many people. And when we hear that Jesus tells us not to worry, we worry about how not to worry! Pastors Brent and Ryan discuss what Jesus meant in the Sermon on the Mount when he say “Do not worry…but seek first the kingdom of God.”