Messages on Mark

Messages on Mark

In the Storms

How does one remain rooted in Jesus in the midst of the most difficult moments of life? Hear Pastor Brent and Pastor Amy share what it means to remain with Jesus through the storms, remembering who He is and what’s He’s brought you through in the past.

Lamenting with Jesus

Jesus doesn’t just walk alongside us in the midst of life’s pain and difficulties. He’s experienced it Himself. Pastor Steve explores Mark 14, demonstrating that the eternal plan of salvation and redemption through Jesus had to come down to and through a passageway of lament.

Feeding the Hungry

Pastor Brent looks at a famous and miraculous story of Jesus when he fed over 5,000 people to see how often we are invited in by Jesus to be a part of meeting needs miraculously but are unable to participate when we operate from a theology of scarcity instead of a theology of leftovers.

Beyond Me

Pastor Brent challenges the conventional wisdom of the day that says you do you by examining what it really means to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus. Introduction What do you prefer? Let’s learn a bit about you based on your brand preference: Zoom or MS Teams? This is the ultimate COVID option.Coke or Pepsi? The original question.Casey’s or Kim & Go? What about breakfast pizza?Levi’s or Wranglers?iPhone or the other device?Walmart or Target?Facebook or Snapchat?Jesus or Jesus?…
restoring the foundation

Restoring Healthy Spiritual Rhythms

Pastor Brent looks at how not all changes made during the pandemic have been bad and give us a new opportunity to establish healthy spiritual rhythms in our lives. Discussion Questions What are the spiritual disciplines you need to cultivate to keep connected to God? What are the practices of self-care you need to attend to your body and nurture your soul? What are the gifts, passions, and burdens within you that God wants you to express for the blessing…
What the World Needs Now is Love

What the World Needs Now

Pastor Brent Clark looks at Mark 1 and how what we call the good news is n’t always what Jesus himself said was the good news. The good news is the kingdom of God has come near and is what the world needs now.
Questioning Jesus

What Do You Want?

Pastor Ryan looks at the story of Jesus healing the blind man and how Jesus cares about us and do we know how to respond when Jesus asks us what do you want?

Pray this Prayer to be Saved

Pastor Brent looks at the misconceptions surrounding salvation and why a pray this prayer theology has many problems and might produce decisions but not necessarily disciples.

Remix: Fences – Be a Neighbor

Pastor Brent looks back at the Fences series from the fall of 2018 and examines Jesus’ words when he told us the most important commandments are to love God and also to love our neighbors.
Sunday School Stories

Jesus Heals the Paralytic

Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at Mark 2 and the Sunday School Story of Jesus healing the paralyzed man and the role faith plays in our lives.
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