Messages on 1 Kings

Messages on 1 Kings

Judges & Kings

The Big Picture takes a depressing turn as we learn about the judges and kings that ruled God’s people. Despite their weaknesses and failures, however, God still uses them for His glory.

What Are you Doing Here?

Through the twists and turns of life, we can often end up in places we didn’t expect, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. By looking at the question God asks Elijah, we can learn to recognize the warning signs of our burnout and brokenness and find the presence of God waiting for us there.

Silence and Solitude

Pastor Brent looks at 1 Kings 19 and the story of the Elijah on Mount Horeb and how silence and solitude can bring a new perspective and a renewed passion for our calling.
Sunday School Stories

Elijah and Victory on the Mountain

Pastor Brent Clark wraps up Vacation Bible School 2017 by looking at Elijah and the Victory on the Mountain and challenges us to answer the question Elijah posed to the crowd that day.