Living the Dream

Living the Dream

The Promise Preserved

As we conclude our journey through Joseph’s life as told in the book of Genesis, we learn that God can take the brokenness of our world and lives and turn it into something positive. Our story is one piece of the larger story God is writing, and that’s a beautiful thing!

Finding Forgiveness

Forgiveness is the path to finding freedom. As we continue the dramatic story of Joseph as told in Genesis, he is finally reunited with his brothers. Will Joseph forgive them for all they’ve done, though?

Positioned with Purpose

A dream once again takes center stage as we continue exploring the story of Joseph as told in the book of Genesis. This time, Pharaoh has a dream that requires interpretation. Listen as Pastor Amy shares Joseph’s journey towards freedom and redemption by using his leadership and administrative skills.

In the Waiting

As we continue the story of Joesph, he finds himself in prison once again. However, God never stops working. Listen as Pastor Steve emphasizes the importance of remaining hopeful and faith-filled in the midst of the challenges of life.

Success and Seduction

Sometimes God doesn’t save us from tragedy—He saves us through it. As we continue exploring the story of Joseph in Genesis, we find Joseph once again in the pit. Here, in the darkness and uncertainty, we find the evidence of Joseph’s trust in God despite his circumstances.

Falling From Favor

In the book of Genesis, we find the redemptive story of a favored son named Joseph who has a dream. However, the dreams God gives us may not always take place the way we expect them to! Pastor Brent introduces our new series, Living the Dream, by exploring the beginning of Joseph’s story and the challenges that come with it.