Ashworth Kids

Ashworth Kids

Children are an important part of Ashworth. The mission of our children’s ministry is to help kids begin and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by partnering with families in nurturing and developing young spiritual leaders who will be the presence of Christ in their community and throughout the world.

The Biblical foundation of the children’s ministry at Ashworth can be found in Mark 10:14.  Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Sunday Mornings

9 AM – Hold on to your hat, buckle up, and join Ashworth Kids every Sunday morning for kids ages 3 through 5th grade. Every Sunday, we take a trip that’s out of this world to learn about some of God’s promises that are true for you and your child! We have a specially designed place for kids, and it’s incredible! Our goal is to see kids enjoy coming to church and hanging out with their friends while realizing that learning about God is SUPER fun! During this time, we also offer a nursery for children ages birth through 2 years and Ashworth Toddlers for 3- to 5-year-olds.

First Time on a Sunday?

While we love creating fun spaces of learning and spiritual growth designed specifically for children, we also recognize the importance of worshipping communally. Following a few worship songs in our Modern Service, children will be dismissed to Ashworth Kids. Unless they would prefer to remain with their parents during the service, they can walk to the back of the sanctuary and meet one of the Kids volunteers waiting for them. At the end of the service, you can find any child ages 6 through 5th grade in the basement waiting for you. Our toddlers, children ages 3 through 5, meet in the classroom located on our main floor to the right of the basement stairs. If for some reason your child needs you during the service, a volunteer will come and get you.

Our nursery is open as early as 8:45 am on Sunday mornings. You can find it near the foyer stairs that lead to the basement. Walk through the classroom to the right of those stairs, take another right as you exit the classroom, and enter Room 3. Pick up your child following the first service!

What Do the kids do?

Ashworth Kids is a hands-on kids ministry where the Bible is taught in a creative way for kids to come and learn about Jesus on their level and have lots of fun doing it!  We offer a safe, age-appropriate environment each Sunday morning at 9:15 am.

What is Available for Children with Special Needs?

At Ashworth Kids, we are able to engage special needs kids with trained volunteers who lovingly serve them.  Every child matters to God and every child matters to us.


Building peer relationships are important to us, and we hope that kids will build and grow these relationships by attending the same service each week.  We also feel it’s important for kids to relate to their group leaders and know that we value them.  Above all, we desire for each one to experience a real relationship with Jesus Christ and learn how to engage in a relationship with Him daily.


Safety is of high importance to us because families entrust us with their child each week. We run a background check and screen references for every volunteer and nursery worker.