Messages on Renewal

Messages on Renewal

A Time for Renewal

Join Pastor Brent for the first message in our new Advent series, Wonder, as we reflect on how God offers renewal during the Christmas season. Isaiah 40 reminds us that God brings strength to the weary and restoration to the brokenhearted. As we enter this season of wonder, discover how waiting on the Lord and seeking His presence can bring true renewal to your life. Let this Christmas be a time of refreshing hope and transformation.

Come Alive

Even when death and despair surround us, it’s never too late for Jesus to resurrect the dead things in our lives. Pastor Brent explores the book of Ezekiel, demonstrating the hope we can still hold when everything seems lost. Can dry bones still live?

New Creation

We conclude The Big Picture series by exploring the restoration and renewal that comes at the end of this chapter in God and humankind’s story. Ultimately, The Big Picture is a story about God’s desire to live among His people.

The Fall

As we continue The Big Picture series, we come to a breaking point. Even though the Garden of Eden was perfect, we still see sin enter the world through Adam and Eve in Genesis 2-3. Our story doesn’t stop there, though. Despite the brokenness and pride of humankind, God’s desire is always for restoration rather than condemnation.
All Things New

Personal Renewal

For many, a new year represents a fresh start. When we think about God, we often think about his power of creation, but when we dig deeper, we see he is also a God of re-creation and renewal. Pastor Brent looks at how we can have personal renewal when we become a new creation in Christ and the benefits that being a new creation offers.