Messages on Peace

Messages on Peace

Violence in Religion

Unspeakable conflicts, wars, and violence have occurred in the name of Christianity. As a church, how should we respond to such violence? Jesus called us to take up a cross and subversively surrender, not take up arms and take over.

Disciple Over Dinner

What would happen if two disciples had dinner with Jesus and didn’t even recognize Him? We find out in Luke 24, giving us insight into how to respond to life’s challenges when it feels like God’s not present. Hint: He’s always present.
Church West Des Moines

Tearing Down Fences Through Peacemaking

Pastor Ryan shares how our God is a peacemaking God and as a result, followers of Jesus should be looking to bring peace everywhere we go as well.   Fences: Tearing Down Fences Through Peacemaking Matthew 5:9, 2 Corinthians 5:18-20 Today’s message is the capstone on our series Fences where we have been looking at how to maintain healthy relationships.  The reason we did this series is because, when you really think about it, relationships are the air we breathe…

Tis the Season for Peace

Do you ever feel guilty at Christmastime? You look around. You see all the smiling faces. You smell the delicious aromas of peppermint, gingerbread, and cinnamon. You hear the carols and other music telling you, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” And you are reminded of all the emotions that you are “supposed” to have, the “right” way to experience Christmas, but for you, your experience is different. You can fake those emotions publicly, but on the inside,…