Messages on Love

Messages on Love

Watching for Love in All the Wrong Places

Pastor Brent takes a deep dive into our relentless search for love, using modern reality TV shows as a cautionary backdrop. He shows how these shows often lead us astray, presenting love as a mere spectacle rather than a genuine connection. Drawing from biblical teachings, Pastor Brent guides us toward recognizing the pitfalls of seeking love in superficial pursuits and encourages us to turn our gaze toward the perfect love demonstrated by God through Jesus Christ as we learn to…

Revenge and Love

Often we find it so easy to react when things happen around us and especially to us. And yet Jesus says that those who follow him can do the extraordinary like turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, and even love our enemies. But how is this possible? Pastor Brent Clark looks at the last verses of Matthew 5 and the Sermon on the Mount to understand how these words don’t instruct us to be doormats but do show…
Church West Des Moines

The Love Boat

Pastor Ryan looks at the most familiar verse of the Bible, John 3:16, to look at how the love of God isn’t meant to be a warm fuzzy feeling but how God’s love can give us security.

A Foundation of Love

Pastor Brent Clark begins a new series looking at 1 Corinthians and how we can avoid those slippery areas in our relationships.