Messages by Ryan Lenerz (Page 2)
This Not That Covenant
Pastor Ryan kicks off a new series where we look at how the New Testament (New Covenant) radically changes how we interact with God. Most people are familiar with the Old and New Testaments in the Bible, but do you understand everything that changed from one to the other? If you see both haves as the equal in how they are to be applied in your life, you may run into a problem plaguing many Christians today: they live in…
Beyond Work
Pastors Brent and Ryan discuss what it means to find and fulfill your calling and how you can even achieve this in whatever current job you have. Discussion Questions What skills and passions has God put inside of you that uniquely enable you to fulfill your calling? What is that calling? If you had to write down what God called you to do, what would you say? In what ways do your calling and your job overlap?
Beyond Hospitality
Pastor Ryan looks at various passages in the Bible to discover how hospitality goes beyond simply sharing a meal with someone to actually sharing your life. Discussion Questions Sunday we summarized that hospitality is “making room for others”. What is the biggest obstacle in making room for others in your life? What can you do to remove that obstacle? Take a moment to think about a time somebody showed extraordinary hospitality to you. How did it make you feel? How…
Beyond the Church
Sometimes we can become so inwardly focused that we forget that the church exists for those beyond its walls. Pastor Ryan looks at the parable of the Great Banquet and how Jesus wants us to go far and wide and invite people in. Discussion Questions What keeps you from being more willing to talk about Jesus with others? Limited contact with non-christians, fear of what they will think, fear of what to say, something else? Why are you a Christian?…
The Essentials – Q&A
Pastors Brent and Ryan look at the category of beliefs that are not necessarily essentials called distinctives and answer questions raised during the Essentials series. Discussion Questions If somebody asked you to explain your understanding of if a person can lose their salvation, what would you tell them? At Ashworth we leave room for a lot of tension and grey in our understanding of scripture. Do you appreciate this approach or do you wish we were more black and white…
The Essentials – Salvation
Pastor Ryan shares how salvation is a gift from God by grace through faith available to all. He challenges us to stop trying to add to what God requires for Salvation and to humbly submit to Jesus to the be hero of our lives. Discussion Questions In what ways are you tempted to ADD the saving work of Jesus? Jesus PLUS Knowledge? Jesus PLUS Good Deeds? Or Jesus PLUS Obedience? When you think about the non-Christians in your life, do…
The Essentials – Humanity
Pastor Ryan looks at how our view of humanity is essential and impacts our view of ourselves, others, and God. Perfect… Sort of Happy Valentine’s Day! Today is a day all about love and so I want to begin with each you you taking a moment and think about the most perfect person. For those of you who are married, you should be thinking about your spouse – obvioously. If you’re single, think about your first crush. Whether married or…
The Essentials
Pastors Brent and Ryan discuss how in order to determine the essentials we have to start by acknowledging not everything is black and white and following Jesus means being okay with living with some mystery and tension in the Bible. Discussion Questions Thinking about your spiritual upbringing, were you raised with many or few essential beliefs? How has your understanding of what is essential changed over the years? How open are you to differing views in your beliefs? Are you…
Honest to God
Pastor Ryan looks at how life may not often be what we expect but true growth only occurs when we acknowledge our baggage and are real and authentic with God. Discussion Questions What is the main reason you struggle to be honest with God? Shame, pride, fear, thinking God can’t handle it? Why do you think that is? As you have taken time to reflect on the message, what baggage have you realized you have been silently carrying? How are…
Restoring the Foundation
Pastors Brent and Ryan take a look back at 2020 and encourage the church to begin looking forward to 2021 and how they can restore their foundations.
The Christmas Family
Pastor Ryan traces the role of the family from Genesis to Revelation and how the family of God is so critical in making this the Best. Christmas. Ever.
The Christmas Tree
Pastors Brent and Ryan look at the Christmas Tree and how the tree of life points us to the Best. Christmas. Ever.