Messages by Amy Becker (Page 5)

Messages by Amy Becker (Page 5)

Anger and Murder

Someone cuts you off in traffic. Someone speaks ill of you or spreads lies about you. Someone hurts someone you love. All of us could fill pages of actions and incidents that cause us to get angry. But what does our anger and more specifically how that anger manifests itself say about our hearts? Pastor Amy continues looking at Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount to see how closely our anger is tied to murder and how those…
the essentials

The Essentials – Holy Spirit

Pastor Amy looks at the empowering of the Holy Spirit in our lives and how our belief in the Spirit is essential to living as God desires his people to live. Discussion Questions How do you think your introduction to the Holy Spirit (as a child or as a new believer) impacts how you view the Holy Spirit today? Where do you see the fruit of the Spirit growing in your life? If you don’t see growth, why do you…
restoring the foundation

Loving God to Love Others

Pastor Amy discusses how our restoration isn’t only for our own good but is so that we go into the world and seek the restoration of others as well. Discussion Questions Why do you think your ability to love others is so connected to your love of God? How is your relationship with God impacted when you fail to love others well? What’s one tangible way you can love others this week?
unpause sermon series

Unpause Abiding in Jesus

Pastor Amy wraps up the Unpause series by looking at the importance of abiding in Jesus so that we might show the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Discussion Questions How connected have you been to the vine in 2020? What’s keeping you from remaining? Where have you been fruitful in 2020? Continue the practice of Lectio Divina with Matthew 6:33. Read through the passage four times. Read and listen. Read and reflect. Read and respond. Read and rest.
The New Normal

New Normal for Spiritual Rhythms

Pastor Amy Becker visits with Sherami Hinders, Regional Coordinator for Spiritual Formation and Prayer with InterVaristy Christian Fellowship, about how to establish new rhythms of soul care in our COVID-19 world.
Questioning Jesus

Don’t You Care?

Pastors Brent Clark and Amy Becker discuss the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10 to see how the tension between the urgent and the important can pull us away from the better things and balance is needed between the two.

I Can Do Faith All By Myself

Pastor Amy Becker looks at the problems with a personal relationship with Jesus and shows how our faith is dependent upon taking the journey with others.