Messages on Luke (Page 3)

Messages on Luke (Page 3)

Mary, Did You Know?

In recent days, a newer Christmas song has taken some shots as being inaccurate or unbiblical with many on social media wanting to “correct” the record that Mary did know. But how much did Mary really know about her child to be? Did she have really understood the God-man Jesus would become and all that entailed? Pastors Brent and Amy look at the song “Mary, Did You Know? ” and the birth narratives to consider how much did Mary know,…

Beyond the Church

Sometimes we can become so inwardly focused that we forget that the church exists for those beyond its walls. Pastor Ryan looks at the parable of the Great Banquet and how Jesus wants us to go far and wide and invite people in. Discussion Questions What keeps you from being more willing to talk about Jesus with others? Limited contact with non-christians, fear of what they will think, fear of what to say, something else? Why are you a Christian?…
the essentials

The Essentials – Jesus

Pastor Brent examines the importance of the essential belief in Jesus, who Jesus thought and said he was, and what those closest to Jesus believed about him. Discussion Questions How different would your life be if Jesus were not real or never existed? What does that indicate about your spiritual life? What do Jesus’ statements about himself and his actions show us about who he thought he was? (John 10:30, John 14:1, Luke 5:20-24, John 5:24-25) If asked by a skeptical friend, “Who…
Questioning Jesus

Don’t You Care?

Pastors Brent Clark and Amy Becker discuss the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10 to see how the tension between the urgent and the important can pull us away from the better things and balance is needed between the two.
Questioning Jesus

What Do You Think?

Pastor Brent continues the Questioning Jesus series by looking at Luke 15 and the parable of the lost sheep to see how Jesus has come to joyfully find us, bring us home, and encourages us to go and find others.
Fake News or good news

Fake News or Good News?

Pastor Brent looks at Luke 4 and how Jesus began his ministry to challenge us in how we are presenting the message of Jesus could be perceived as fake news to some but is still very good news for all.
Church West Des Moines

It’s Not Easy

Pastor Ryan wraps up The Red Letters series by looking at Luke 9 and how Jesus’ words that call us to follow him challenge our comfort, obligations, and relationship and that the commitment to follow Jesus really is not easy.