Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.
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Seek the Peace and Prosperity of the CIty
Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at Jeremiah 29 and discusses how those who follow Jesus aren’t to conform to or confine ourselves from the world around us. We are to seek the peace and prosperity of the city.
Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with God
Pastor Amy Becker kicks off the Imagine series by asking the question how would life be different if we all acted justly, loved mercy and walked humbly with our God. From Micah 6:8.
United Together
Pastor Brent wraps up the We Are Ashworth series by looking at how unity is the glue that holds the church together, and how the unity of the church can be a powerful witness to our divided world.
Impacting Our World Together
Pastor Brent continues to look at the role of the church and how if we live as Jesus did we can impact our world together.
Becoming Like Christ Together
Pastor Brent looks at the importance of spiritual growth and how this will never happen when we are along. Our spiritual maturing happens when we are in community, otherwise, we risk a failure to thrive.
Connecting With God
Pastor Brent continues looking at what makes the church the church and how connecting with God in community is what distinguishes the church from every other organization.
What is Church?
Pastor Brent looks at what church is not but then examines what actually is.
Remembering – A Look Back
Pastor Ryan Lenerz takes a look back to see the importance of remembering to help us move forward.
The Essence of Christmas is Coronation
Pastor Amy looks at the birth narrative to contrast the kingdom of Herod who was in power at the time of Jesus’ birth, and the kingdom of Jesus that came at Christmas.
The Essence of Christmas is Reconciliation
Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at Colossians 1 and how the. birth of Jesus brought about the reconciliation of humanity to God.
The Essence of Christmas is Incarnation
Pastor Brent looks at John 1 to see how the incarnation of Christ is crucial to the essence of Christmas.
The Essence of Christmas is Preparation
Pastor Brent Clark talks about the importance of understanding the essence of Christmas as it begins with our preparation for Christ. Isaiah 40:1-5