Messages on Trials
Positioned with Purpose
A dream once again takes center stage as we continue exploring the story of Joseph as told in the book of Genesis. This time, Pharaoh has a dream that requires interpretation. Listen as Pastor Amy shares Joseph’s journey towards freedom and redemption by using his leadership and administrative skills.
In the Waiting
As we continue the story of Joesph, he finds himself in prison once again. However, God never stops working. Listen as Pastor Steve emphasizes the importance of remaining hopeful and faith-filled in the midst of the challenges of life.
Success and Seduction
Sometimes God doesn’t save us from tragedy—He saves us through it. As we continue exploring the story of Joseph in Genesis, we find Joseph once again in the pit. Here, in the darkness and uncertainty, we find the evidence of Joseph’s trust in God despite his circumstances.
Falling From Favor
In the book of Genesis, we find the redemptive story of a favored son named Joseph who has a dream. However, the dreams God gives us may not always take place the way we expect them to! Pastor Brent introduces our new series, Living the Dream, by exploring the beginning of Joseph’s story and the challenges that come with it.
In the Storms
How does one remain rooted in Jesus in the midst of the most difficult moments of life? Hear Pastor Brent and Pastor Amy share what it means to remain with Jesus through the storms, remembering who He is and what’s He’s brought you through in the past.
Trusting God in Prayer
In 1 Samuel, we find a story of suffering, perseverance, and hope. Hannah’s life and testimony teaches us that our peace comes not from what God gives us, but from God Himself. As we pray and commune with God in the midst of our suffering, He gives us exactly what we need.
Suffering and Provision
Is the Lord among us or not? It’s a question you may find yourself asking from time to time. In the midst of suffering, it’s difficult to remember that God is a profound provider. Pastor Amy explores the book of Exodus, ultimately demonstrating that God not only knows we have needs, but He cares about providing for them.
Prophets & Exiles
The Big Picture of God isn’t always comfortable, especially for the Israelites. In the Old Testament, there are countless stories of exile and hardship. However, God uses those time periods to develop and teach His people what it means to trust in Him, love their neighbors, and surrender to His Lordship. As we learn in this message, God ultimately turns their failure into hope and restoration of all nations.
Judges & Kings
The Big Picture takes a depressing turn as we learn about the judges and kings that ruled God’s people. Despite their weaknesses and failures, however, God still uses them for His glory.
Serve Comfort Food
Peter’s story, as told in the books of John and Luke, comes full circle when Jesus invites him and several other disciples to breakfast after His resurrection. Jesus’ trio of questions may seem strange to most, but to Peter, they provide healing and restoration. God doesn’t just want to forgive our failures. He wants us to experience His love and fullness in restored relationship with Him.
God Won’t Give You More than You Can Handle
In the series, “You’ve Been Lied To (and we’re sorry about that), Pastor Brent looks at the familiar saying God won’t give you more than you can handle to see if it has its biblical roots and how too often this statement does more harm than good.