Messages on Theology (Page 3)
What is Sin?
Pastor Brent Clark kicks off a new series called “My Bad: Understanding What Separates Us from God.” Many people have experiences with Christ followers and churches where sin is used as a club to beat people with and create lots of guilt, shame, judgment and condemnation. But what of the message of sin was less about condemnation and more about hope? What if by truly understanding our sin we are able to get a greater understanding of God and his…
Made for the Glory of God
Ryan Lenerz wraps up the You Were Made for This series and looks at the Bible to see how the ultimate purpose of man is to reflect the glory of God and exactly what that looks like in our day to day lives. Check out the other messages in the You Were Made for This series here. Other messages included You Were Made for Life with God and You Were Made for the Image of God.
Made for the Image of God
Pastor Brent looks at Genesis 1 and how the way God created humanity instilled within us a worth and value. This message shows how being uniquely made in the image of God should change the way we see ourselves and the way we view and treat others. This message references a message Pastor Brent preached in 2015 on Creation and The Big Story of God. You Were Made for the Image of God Genesis 1:26-27 Introduction Last week we began…
The Resurrection Part 2
Pastor Brent Clark concludes the series This Is Us: Real Faith for Real Life by looking at 1 Corinthians 15 and what Paul has to say about the coming resurrection for those who follow Jesus.
The Resurrection Part 1
Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at the first half of 1 Corinthians 15 to see the significance of the resurrection in the life of those following Jesus.
Purposeful Giving
Pastor Brent Clark looks at what the Apostle Paul tells the Corinthian church in 1 Corinthians 16 and how we should give presently, proportionately, and purposefully.
The Proper Motivation
Lead Pastor Brent Clark looks at Paul’s encouragement to live not for ourselves but for others.
Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at how sin and freedom are alluring but we must be on guard for allowing worldliness into our lives.
The Mind of Christ
Pastor Ryan Lenerz continues the This Is Us: Real Faith for Real Life series by looking at what the Apostle Paul had to say to the Corinthian church about how to know and understand the mind of Christ.
The Message of the Cross
Pastor Brent Clark looks at 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5 to see the difficulty found in the message of the cross.
Running the Race
Pastor Amy Becker kicks off a new series entitled: This Is Us: Real Faith for Real Life and looks at the need for discipline and perseverance to run and win the race.
Women in Ministry
Pastor Brent Clark looks at what the Bible has to say about Women in Ministry and wraps up the Divisive series by looking at one of the most contentious issues in the church. This message is based on 1 Corinthians 14:34-35. Women in Ministry 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 Introduction Today we come to the end of our series called Divisive: Why Christians Fight, and we saved the best for last! Today we look at the least controversial, least divisive issue there…