Messages on Proverbs

Messages on Proverbs

Summer School: Anger

Introduction This summer we have been taking a look at what many would think is the fortune cookie of the Bible. The book that doles out nice tidbits of helpful advice on how to live. But as we have looked at the book of Proverbs, I hope that most of us have seen that even though on the surface it appears that the statements help us know how to live, more importantly, they are concerned about who we are as a…

Summer School: Pride

Introduction Today we are going to talk about pride — something for which I am the most qualified to speak about.  I’ve been an expert on pride for most of my life.  I can remember my dad talking to me about my constant bragging at a very young age.  Fortunately, because I’m amazing at everything I do, over the years I have been able to uproot the pride from my life and am now one of the humblest people I’ve ever…

Summer School: Wisdom

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction Do you like Chinese food? I didn’t grow up eating Chinese food, but quickly found a passion for it in college. Jade China, right down the road from the college served these massive portions for about $3.50. . .a college student’s dream. What I quickly learned in college is that the food in the container was the tasty stuff, but it was the fortune cookie where the real…