Messages on Prayer

Messages on Prayer

How We Fight

The weapons of the world are powerless in our spiritual battle. So, how should we fight? Listen as Pastor Brent shares about the importance of prayer, Scripture, and more in spiritual warfare.

It’s Me, Daniel

The story of Daniel in the Old Testament teaches us what it means to pursue God in daily, consistent prayer. Daniel knew that prayer is real, powerful, and the anchor of a life devoted to God. Pastor Brent encourages us that there’s not a wrong way to pray. Each prayer matters, whether we’re at the pit of a lion’s den or going about a typical day.

Confession & Prayer

If King David’s life teaches us anything in Scripture, it’s that there’s redemption and freedom found in bringing our deepest failures, sins, and regrets before God. Pastor Brent explores the power of confession demonstrated in Psalm 51 by David. Here, we find that the paradox of confession is that what should should repel us from God (our sin in light of God’s holiness) actually draws us closer.

Ask, Seek, Knock

Have you ever wanted something so bad you prayed and prayed for it only to feel let down by God? As Jesus talks about prayer for the third time in the Sermon on the Mount, he adds a bit of confusion by saying all we have to do is ask and we will get what we have for. But our experience tells us otherwise. Pastor Brent looks at Matthew 7 and shows how our emphasis on receiving might miss the…

How to Pray (and Not to Pray)

Many who follow Jesus struggle with how to pray often wondering if we are doing it right. Jesus gives us a framework on how to pray but prior to giving us this prayer guide he shares how not to pray.
unpause sermon series

Listening to God

Pastors Brent and Ryan discuss how God has spoken to his people in the past and how part of unpausing our lives today is learning to listen to God as he speaks to us today. Discussion Questions Take a moment to reflect on what it means that the God of the universe wants to speak to you. What has been your biggest barrier to hearing God speak to you? What action can you take to be prepared to hear God…

Dialogue: Praying Together

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction What comes to mind when you hear the words “Prayer Meeting”? If you’ve been around church for some time, I assume you are familiar with the concept. A prayer meeting is a time where Christians get together and they pray. There can be a lot of variations of this activity. They can be loud, boisterous times like my wife, Kerri and I experienced at a Pentecostal church in Tulsa, Oklahoma…

Dialogue: When God is Silent

Introduction Today we take up a topic that I am positive we have all had to deal with at some point in our lives. In fact, I dare say that some of us here this morning are currently living in this moment right now. Over the last month, we have been looking at the topic of prayer in this series we call “Dialogue – Recovering the Lost Art of Communicating with God.” For four weeks we have seen how prayer…

Dialogue: God (Still) Speaks

One-Sided Conversation Today I’ll be continuing our series called Dialogue: Recovering the Lost Art of Communicating with God.  Now to begin, I want to tell you a story about a recent conversation I had at Caribou Coffee earlier this week. I went to Caribou on Tuesday to start my day with time reading and praying.  I wanted to get a start on this message and just start my day off on the right foot.  I got my coffee, sat down…

Dialogue: Authentic Prayer

Introduction We  are in the middle of a series we are calling “Dialogue: Recovering the Lost Art of Communicating with God.” And that is just our fancy way of saying we want to spend a few weeks talking about prayer.  We began the series talking about why prayer is necessary. If we aren’t careful, we can get caught in the trap of thinking praying doesn’t matter, that it doesn’t do anything or change anything, so why bother? But what we…

Dialogue: Can I Ask God for That?

Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction Today we’re going to continue our series on prayer as a dialogue.  I hope with this message to encourage your prayer life – and to challenge you to pray like you never have before!  Last week, Pastor Brent kicked off our new series by answering the question: “Does prayer change things?” Because if prayer doesn’t really make any difference in our lives, then it’s really silly to spend…
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