Messages by Brent Clark (Page 21)
You Were Made for Life with God
Pastor Brent Clark preaches an Easter message that looks at 2 Corinthians 5 and how the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ destroys the barrier that exists and reconciles us to God.
Where Do I Start?
Pastor Brent Clark starts a new series looking at the awkwardness of evangelism and how the Apostle Paul would often start when he traveled to a new city.
Silence and Solitude
Pastor Brent looks at 1 Kings 19 and the story of the Elijah on Mount Horeb and how silence and solitude can bring a new perspective and a renewed passion for our calling.
Confession and Repentance
Pastor Brent Clark continues the Spring Cleaning series by looking the need to clean out the clutter of our souls through confession and repentance.
The Lost Art of Meditation
Pastor Brent looks at the misconceptions that usually surround meditation and discovers why Christians must rediscover the lost art of Meditation.
The Lost Art of Fasting
Pastor Brent Clark continues The Lost Arts series by looking at one of the most neglected and misunderstood spiritual disciplines…fasting. Brent shows how fasting is more than just going without food but about denying ourselves for a spiritual purpose to seek and experience God.
The Lost Art of Worship
Pastor Brent looks at how even though worship may be a part of our weekly routine, it still gets lost in the daily lives of many people. Brent shows why worship is an important daily discipline and how to recover the lost art of worship.
How Will This Be?
In the final message of the Merry Christmas? series, Pastor Brent Clark looks at Mary’s question when she hears she will give birth to the Messiah, Jesus. Brent challenges us to consider in our own lives if we are looking for human answers when God is offering divine solutions.
Why Am I So Favored?
Pastor Brent Clark continues the 2017 Christmas series by looking at Elizabeth’s question in Luke 1:39-45, Why am I so favored? Her question reverse the age-old question of “Why do bad things happen to good people?” and instead asks “Why do good things happen to good people?” We are challenged then to consider what are you doing with all you’ve been given?
The Resurrection Part 2
Pastor Brent Clark concludes the series This Is Us: Real Faith for Real Life by looking at 1 Corinthians 15 and what Paul has to say about the coming resurrection for those who follow Jesus.
Purposeful Giving
Pastor Brent Clark looks at what the Apostle Paul tells the Corinthian church in 1 Corinthians 16 and how we should give presently, proportionately, and purposefully.
The Proper Motivation
Lead Pastor Brent Clark looks at Paul’s encouragement to live not for ourselves but for others.