Life Upside Down
From Wrestling to Rest
In the final message of the Life Upside Down series, Pastor Brent Clark looks at the call for those who follow Jesus to stop being so busy 24-7 and find in life a rhythm of rest.
Commitment Leads to Contentment
Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at how a life of service and commitment leads to a life of contentment.
From Isolation to Community
Lead Pastor Brent Clark continues to challenge how we live life by encouraging us to move from isolation to community.
From Ordinary to Significant
Team Pastor Amy Becker continues to look at how upside life is in the kingdom and how God takes what we consider to be an ordinary life and makes it into something very world changing and significant.
From Chaos to Calm
Pastor Brent Clark continues to explore life in the kingdom of God and the peace of God that brings calm to our chaos.
From Pain to Purpose
Pastor Ryan Lenerz continues to look at Life: Upside Down to discover how God can take our pain and turn it form pointless to purposeful.
From Death to Life
Lead Pastor Brent Clark begins a new series looking at how life in the kingdom is upside down from how we typically think life should be. He looks at Mark 8 and how Jesus tells us if we want to really live, we must die to ourselves.