Messages on John (Page 4)
I Am the Resurrection and the Life
Pastor Brent Clark looks at the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead to see how Jesus as the resurrection and the life affirms God’s loves for us and help us get beyond our “if onlys” when we see the resurrection is more than an event, when we see the resurrection is a person, Jesus Christ, as found in John 11:1-44.
I Am the Good Shepherd
Pastor Ryan looks at what it means for Jesus to call himself the Good Shepherd and how we too should be good shepherds of those in our care. Part 4 of 6 of the I Am Jesus series.
I Am the Gate
Pastor Brent continues the I Am Jesus series by looking at how Jesus’ self description as a gate isn’t a reflection of his desire to keep people out, but rather is the revelation of himself as the good shepherd and his desire to make salvation possible as seen in John 10:1-10.
I Am The Light of the World
Pastor Ryan explains how Jesus drives out the darkness around him, and as a result, helps us see more clearly and produces new life in us.
I Am the Bread of Life
Pastor Brent shares how Jesus satisfies and sustains us and encourages us not to settle for cheap substitutes.
The Love Boat
Pastor Ryan looks at the most familiar verse of the Bible, John 3:16, to look at how the love of God isn’t meant to be a warm fuzzy feeling but how God’s love can give us security.
Highway to Heaven
Pastor Brent looks at John 14:6 and what it means for Jesus to be the way, the truth, and the life.
From Chaos to Calm
Pastor Brent Clark continues to explore life in the kingdom of God and the peace of God that brings calm to our chaos.
Home Alone 2
Pastor Ryan Lenerz concludes the Christmas Story series by looking at Home Alone 2 and the Bible to see how we can stop making the same mistakes we always do in the new year.
Unexpected Restoration
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction Today we wrap up our series called, “Unexpected: What You Never Saw Coming.” Over the last few weeks we have been looking at moments from the resurrection of Jesus forward. What Jesus did and how we respond can often catch us off guard, just as it did for the disciples back then. It’s not what we expect to see or happen. Today we will look at what happens…
Unexpected Doubt
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction We are at the beginning of a new series we kicked off last week called “Unexpected: What You Never Saw Coming.” For four weeks we are going to be looking at the period of time right after that first Easter Sunday to see how everything that Jesus did during this period was totally and completely unexpected. Last week, we looked at the resurrection of Jesus and how everyone was…
Transformed: Death to Life
John 5:24-26 Introduction Good morning and Happy Easter. As you all probably know, Easter is a big deal for Christians and the church. This isn’t just the usual Sunday. Everything for Christians hinges on the resurrection. Your belief or non-belief even hinges on what you believe about the resurrection. I want to read the events of the first Easter morning to you. Listen to how Luke describes that morning from Luke 24:1-12. 1 But very early on Sunday morning the…