Messages on John (Page 3)

Messages on John (Page 3)

What the World Needs Now is Love

What the World Needs Now is Truth

Pastor Ryan takes a look at how truth has become relative, but that objective truth is difficult to find when we are all looking through our own lenses but can still be found in Jesus.
The New Normal

New Normal for Coping and Addiction

Pastor Brent Clark interviews Melissa Dale with Celebrate Recovery at Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines about the impact of COVID-19 on addiction and how there is help and hope for any dealing with habits, hurts, or hangups. Ashworth@Home As you meet as Ashworth@Home groups or maybe just have conversations with friends and neighbors about the new normal we are all facing, here are some questions you can use to have a spiritual discussion. DISCUSSION GUIDE TO CONTINUE…
We are ashworth

United Together

Pastor Brent wraps up the We Are Ashworth series by looking at how unity is the glue that holds the church together, and how the unity of the church can be a powerful witness to our divided world.
We are ashworth

Connecting With God

Pastor Brent continues looking at what makes the church the church and how connecting with God in community is what distinguishes the church from every other organization.
Seduced Apple Cover

Seduced By Status

Pastor Brent looks at how we are seduced by status and how we can overcome the seduction of status by following Jesus’ example of humble service as seen in John 13.

You Are One

Pastor Ryan shares how Jesus’ last prayer for all his followers were that we would be united as one and how we can practically live that out every day.
waukee church, clive church

I Am the True Vine

Pastor Brent wraps up the I Am series by look at Jesus final I Am statement in John 15 and what it means that Jesus is the vine and how we are to remain in him.