Messages (Page 6)

Messages (Page 6)

Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.

Feel free to use the links above to search by Topic, Series, Book of the Bible, or Speaker.

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A New Year

What fuels your fear? For King Herod, it was a lack of control and power over a baby prophesied to be King. Pastor Brent and Pastor Amy explore the story of King Herod in the book of Matthew, helping us look towards 2024 with confidence and hope instead of fear.

Prince of Peace

Who do you turn to when chaos surrounds you? Listen to this brief Christmas Eve message on our King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and Prince of Peace: Jesus.

Good News of Great Joy

The birth of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords was announced to an unexpected audience. Pastor Steve explores the story of the angels’ incredible proclamation to a group of shepherds, demonstrating that the fear of God is the fear that drives away all other fears.

Mary’s Message

What does it mean to be “favored” by the Lord? Pastor Brent explores the beautiful story of Mary as told in Luke, helping us understand her significant role in the birth of Jesus even as a young, teenage girl.

Joseph’s Calling

Joseph’s role in the life of Jesus was an unexpected and likely difficult one. However, he responds to God’s invitation with courage and obedience. Through his story, we learn that just because a situation is difficult and fear-provoking, it doesn’t mean that God isn’t in it.

God With Us

God became flesh. It’s a simple yet profound truth that brings a holy, all-powerful God to our front doorstep. Listen as Pastor Amy helps prepare our hearts and minds to celebration the miracle of Jesus’ birth and His invitation to become the overlap between heaven and earth.

Prayer of Thanksgiving

As we conclude our series on prayer and intimacy with Jesus, we give thanks. Follow along as we reflect on the goodness of God in our lives and celebrate Thanksgiving.

It’s Me, Daniel

The story of Daniel in the Old Testament teaches us what it means to pursue God in daily, consistent prayer. Daniel knew that prayer is real, powerful, and the anchor of a life devoted to God. Pastor Brent encourages us that there’s not a wrong way to pray. Each prayer matters, whether we’re at the pit of a lion’s den or going about a typical day.

It’s Me, a Sinner

In the book of Luke, we find two very different kinds of prayers in the parable of the tax collector and Pharisee. Pastor Brent explores the heart behind our prayers, teaching us that how we pray is more about the heart than anything else. Here, we receive the mercy of God.

Lamenting with Jesus

Jesus doesn’t just walk alongside us in the midst of life’s pain and difficulties. He’s experienced it Himself. Pastor Steve explores Mark 14, demonstrating that the eternal plan of salvation and redemption through Jesus had to come down to and through a passageway of lament.

Confession & Prayer

If King David’s life teaches us anything in Scripture, it’s that there’s redemption and freedom found in bringing our deepest failures, sins, and regrets before God. Pastor Brent explores the power of confession demonstrated in Psalm 51 by David. Here, we find that the paradox of confession is that what should should repel us from God (our sin in light of God’s holiness) actually draws us closer.

Trusting God in Prayer

In 1 Samuel, we find a story of suffering, perseverance, and hope. Hannah’s life and testimony teaches us that our peace comes not from what God gives us, but from God Himself. As we pray and commune with God in the midst of our suffering, He gives us exactly what we need.