Whether you missed a message this past week, want to relisten to a message God is speaking to you about, or just want to check us out before showing up on a Sunday, we hope you are challenged and inspired by these messages.
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Honest to God
To know God, we also have to know ourselves. Pastor Brent kicks off a new series that highlights the significance of honest, authentic relationships—the ones we have with ourselves, with others, with our community, and with God. As we learn more about who we are, we also learn more about who God is.
Celebration is a spiritual discipline. We have the opportunity to celebrate God’s goodness, even in the midst of life’s difficulties. Follow along as Pastor Amy, Pastor Brent, and our worship team share what true joy looks like in this final message of our sermon series.
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
Where am I? Where is God? Why am I here? We find honest emotions, thoughts, and prayers from the authors of the Psalms. In Psalms 42 and 43, the practice of lament takes center stage. Listen as Pastor Brent explores the importance of lament and grief in our walks with Jesus.
One Way or Another
Psalm 58 brings out a lot of challenging emotions. Vengeance. Anger. Desperation. How should we approach a passage of Scripture so unlike the kind and compassionate Jesus we cling to? Pastor Brent explores how Christ-followers can deal with complex emotions like anger, ultimately inviting us to pray honestly and trust God to deal with injustice.
I Fought the Law
God reveals Himself through His Word. However, God’s Word isn’t just meant to be studied. It’s meant to be a way of life that draws us closer in heart and mind to King Jesus. Pastor Brent takes a look at Psalm 119, which describes the beauty of God’s precepts and ultimately leads us to Jesus—the Word made flesh.
What would a world marked by real justice and righteousness look like? That was the author of Psalm 72’s prayer for their king. Pastor Amy explores the beautiful world described in this passage, as well as the only King who is making it come to fruition.
What a Wonderful World
It’s easy to forget just how majestic and big God is. However, with just one look at His creation—from day-old infants to ducks to the ocean—we are reminded of the wonder of God as well as the vulnerability of humanity.
It’s My Life
God has invited us to join Him in the work of this world, but are we allowing Him to join us in the work of our life? Pastor Brent takes a look at Psalm 127, encouraging us to partner with God in all that we do. As we allow ourselves to partner with God, we start focusing less on doing the “right things” and more on being the “right people” that follow Jesus together.
Every Breath You Take
Psalm 139 is a beautiful reminder of God’s nearness in both the joys and difficulties of life. Pastor Brent and Amy explore this famous passage, revealing what it means to be fully known by a good God.
I Heard It Through the Grapevine
Stories are important, especially when it comes to remembering God’s work in our lives. Although we are quick to forget all God has done, psalms like Psalm 78 demonstrate the importance of sharing one’s story. This particular psalm tells a story of God’s people and His relationship with them, reminding the author of the passage and its readers of God’s faithfulness across generations. What is the story we are telling, and what is the story we are living?
You Can’t Always Get What You Want
Why do bad things happen to good people, and why do good things tend to happen to bad people? It’s a fair question that the author of Psalm 73 considers in an authentic way. When we meet with God, however, He often gives us a new perspective on the circumstances of our lives, revealing who we are, who God is, and what it actually means to be prosperous.
Rescue Me
We spend most of our day looking down, distracting ourselves with technology and the things of life that ultimately don’t satisfy us. Psalm 121 encourages us to lift our eyes to the Lord, the One who watches over us by day and by night. Listen as Pastor Steve explores this psalm and encourages us to look to Jesus!