Midweek Minute for April 8, 2020

Midweek Minute for April 8, 2020

Thank you, budget adjustments, supporting our ministry partners, Spring Into Action 2020, and future face to face encounters.

Video Transcript

Hey, this is Pastor Brent, and this is your Ashworth Midweek Minute.

First, let me begin today by saying thank you. We know times are challenging and uncertain for many of you, but you have continued to be generous in supporting the church. Thank you, and I know that with your continued generosity, we will all come through this time stronger.

Many of you are having to tighten your financial belts, and so we want to do the same. The Elders have decided to adjust our budgeted income for the remainder of the ministry year. Some of this is from a practice standpoint. We often run events, and right now, we aren’t able to. Ministry needs have changed a bit, and we want to respond to where we see the needs and be able to give there.

With this adjustment, I hope you continue in your generosity. We continue to support our ministry and missions partners and will do so at the full level we committed to them at the beginning of the year. And when we can physically meet together again, we want to make sure we are ready to keep moving forward in connecting and serving our neighbors and community.

Even though we are quarantined, we are still going to Spring into Action. Don’t miss this Sunday as Pastor Amy kicks off our 2020 Spring Into Action COVID-19 edition with fun and creative ways we can continue to serve even if we can’t get within six feet of each other.

Hey, we love you guys and miss seeing your faces. Be on the lookout for ways in the coming weeks where we set up video calls so we can interact with you beyond this video and the online service.

And that’s you Ashworth Midweek Minute.


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