

Pause and Pray

To be honest, I haven’t been a big fan of prayer techniques. My attitude has been when I want to pray, I’ll do it with my words when I want and where I want. The downside of that has been an undisciplined prayer life. That’s not a good attitude to have about communication in any relationship. Imagine the husband that declares, “I told you I love you at our wedding. If it changes, I’ll let you know.” Such a cavalier…

A Prayer of Confession

Abba Father, Forgive us, we pray. We have sought power in politics and not in surrender and service to you and to one another. We have looked to politicians and judges for salvation and been willing to overlook and even make excuses for blatant behavior that reveals a heart far from the character of Christ. We have looked the other way so that we can grab and hold on to power. We have put down and desecrated others who have…