'Virtue' Tagged Posts

'Virtue' Tagged Posts

Quarantined: Day 25

Almighty God, When there was nothing good within me, you loved me and gave yourself for me. You have set me apart and called me to know and follow you. This calling is not to a set of rules and regulations or even a new religion but to you. To seek you. To follow you. To allow you to shape and form my heart into a pattern that looks more and more like Jesus every day. Shine your light in…

Quarantined: Day 19

But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.  1 Peter 2:9 We often think of ourselves as God’s children, beloved by our heavenly father. But we are also told in this verse that we are a “royal priesthood, a holy nation…” Not…

Quarantined: Day 13

We have seen so many changes in the last couple of months.  How we go about our day, the way we interact with others, even the way we get essential items. Before Covid-19 hit, I was feeling like I was just hanging in there.  My schedule was full from 7 AM all the way to 8 PM.  This time of quarantine has forced me to STOP, something that I wouldn’t be able to do in my normal routine. I believe this…

Quarantined: Extra – Virtue

The second tradition or stream guiding our Quarantined experience is the holiness tradition. Virtuous Life: Responding with integrity The Holiness Tradition emphasizes the re-formation of our hearts so that we are able to respond appropriately to the challenges of life. The word “holiness” has some negative connotations today, but the original Greek meaning of the word virtue is simply “to function well.” Virtuous Life is not about rules or judgment, perfectionism, or some kind of merit gained by good deeds.…

Quarantined: Day 7

Greatest is LoveArtist: Sukirtha Joseph PremnathArtist Statement: Doesn’t holiness often feel like an Old Testament concept? Everytime I think of holiness, I remember the Ten Commandments, the Ark of Covenant, and how the Holy God interacted with an unholy nation. Thank God we are on this side of the cross! With the covenant of grace, holiness no longer feels like an important aspect of the new covenant Christian life. At least, that is what we have come to believe. However,…

Quarantined: Day 1

Quarantined – a word most of us never thought would apply to us. Maybe to someone we know. Or maybe not. Forced to stay home, away from family and friends. Apart from our usual activities and normal routines. Forced to slow down, to come face to face with our humanity, and what truly lies within. Too often, it is the busyness of achieving, the never-ending to-do-lists and ceaseless family activities, the noise of our everyday lives that drowns out the…