Posts by Brent Clark (Page 2)

Posts by Brent Clark (Page 2)

A Response to the Injustice and Racism in our Nation

Too often, when things happen around us that we do not understand or that make us uncomfortable, our immediate response is, “Yes, but…” “Yes, George Floyd died, but he might have had a counterfeit twenty-dollar bill.” “Yes, black lives matter, but all lives matter, too.” “Yes, there are some bad cops, but we still have the greatest justice system in the world.” And while these statements may technically be true, the “Yes, but…” response is an attempt to shift the…

Quarantined: Extra – Incarnation

Sacramental Life: Encountering the invisible God in the visible world The Incarnational Tradition focuses on the relationship between the invisible spirit and physical reality, helping us to see God’s divine presence in the material world in which we live. God manifests himself in his creation, even in the midst of mundane activities, whenever and wherever we acknowledge God. “Far from being evil, the physical is meant to be inhabited by the spiritual.” Richard Foster in Streams of Living Water copied…

Quarantined: Day 29

Jesus said of himself, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12) He came into the world to pierce the darkness and shine the way to life for all humanity. He went on to say, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead…

Quarantined: Day 26

Congratulations on making it to the last week of the “Quarantined: Using a Season of Solitude to Connect with God.” We began this journey together five weeks ago, not knowing what the state of the world would be when we reached the final week. Would things be back to normal? Would the virus be under control? Would we feel safe venturing out and be able to worship together face to face? We now know the answer to all these questions…

Quarantined: Extra – Word-Centered

Word-Centered Life: Living the life-giving message The Evangelical Tradition encompasses much more than simply converting people. The evangel – the “good news” – is God’s great message to humanity: that all can be redeemed and restored to its intended design. This is the message embodied in Jesus himself, rooted in the word of God, and ultimately expressed through the lives of those who follow Christ. It is a living tale of grace spoken in and through word and action. “This…

Quarantined: Day 25

Almighty God, When there was nothing good within me, you loved me and gave yourself for me. You have set me apart and called me to know and follow you. This calling is not to a set of rules and regulations or even a new religion but to you. To seek you. To follow you. To allow you to shape and form my heart into a pattern that looks more and more like Jesus every day. Shine your light in…

Quarantined: Extra – Compassion

Social Justice continues to be a buzz word in our culture. How does the compassion of Christ fit in with a social justice society? Compassionate Life: Extending compassion in every sphere of lifeThe Social Justice Tradition expresses the themes of justice, compassion, and peace. It emphasizes wisdom and lovingkindness to bring relationships into harmony, unity, and balance, even within our relationship to nature. Compassionate Life takes place in all arenas of life, from personal to social to global. As with…

Quarantined: Day 16

In days gone by, boys would stand on street corners, waving newspapers, shouting out the recent headlines. Today, we have the unending 24/7 news cycle to inform us of just about everything that might be happening in the world. Before, a newspaper printed daily, a newscast in the evening, and possibly a radio announcement might be the only way to hear the news of the day. Today, we are inundated with more information than we can process and left to…

Quarantined: Extra – Spirit-Empowered Living

The word “charismatic” can mean a lot of different things to different people depending on your faith background. Here is how the Charismatic Tradition is shaping your Quarantined experience. Spirit-Empowered Life: Fueling our lives from the presence and power of GodThe Charismatic Tradition focuses on the power of God’s Spirit moving in and through us. Just as a car requires fuel to run, and our bodies require food for survival, so our souls rely upon the Spirit of God for…

Quarantined: Day 14

16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy,…

Quarantined: Extra – Virtue

The second tradition or stream guiding our Quarantined experience is the holiness tradition. Virtuous Life: Responding with integrity The Holiness Tradition emphasizes the re-formation of our hearts so that we are able to respond appropriately to the challenges of life. The word “holiness” has some negative connotations today, but the original Greek meaning of the word virtue is simply “to function well.” Virtuous Life is not about rules or judgment, perfectionism, or some kind of merit gained by good deeds.…