Blog (Page 2)

Blog (Page 2)

Ashes to Ashes

The low church Protestant tradition I was raised in did not follow the traditional church calendar and Lectionary. We did not observe Lent and thought those folks walking around with ash crosses on their heads on Ash Wednesday were a bit weird. I have come to believe that was my loss. Once I took the time and care to learn the history and meaning of such observances, I have come to appreciate the symbolism and devotional meaning of them. Today…

Gospel of Matthew: Reading Plan

Throughout Lent, individuals and churches often give up a comfort or adopt an additional spiritual practice to lead to greater self-examination, repentance, and renewal of the soul. This Lenten season, we encourage you to read through the Gospel of Matthew with us. Below, you’ll find a guide to each week of the reading plan. Click on the link to each week to find a written and audio version of the assigned passage. Reading Guide Week 1 (February 26 – March…

My Paradigm Challenged

As I was reading John 9 this morning, I was struck by the interaction between a man healed of his blindness and the Pharisees. What an incredible story with a convicting ending. As the man who had been blind his entire life has to justify his healing, he tells the Pharisees (those with religious power), “If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.” (John 9:33 NIV) What happens next is sad and scary. Verse 34: “To this…

Christmas Cheer 2022

Christmas Cheer is an opportunity to give back during the holidays and keep Christ at the center of the season. We encourage you to get involved in one (or a few!) of the opportunities we have available this year. Hope Ministries Turkey Pickin’ Saturday, November 19 at 8:30 am Hope Ministries: Bethel Mission (1310 6th Ave., Des Moines) For our 8th year in a row, we picked the meat off of 150 pre-cooked turkeys for thousands of Thanksgiving meals Bethel…

Delight Yourself

Psalm 37 is one of my favorite Psalms. It appeals to my sense of fairness and gives counsel for how to keep my head on straight and my heart in the right place when things seem not to be going as they should. “Fret not yourself because of evildoers; be not envious of wrongdoers! For they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb. Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and…

Who Let the Peace Out?

One of my favorite words of wisdom in the Scriptures is: “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful (Colossians 3:15 NIV).” It’s the word rule that grabs my attention. It means “to be in charge” or “to make the call,” much like the umpire in a baseball game I watched recently. Whenever I am faced with a difficult decision, it is the choice that…

Pause and Pray

To be honest, I haven’t been a big fan of prayer techniques. My attitude has been when I want to pray, I’ll do it with my words when I want and where I want. The downside of that has been an undisciplined prayer life. That’s not a good attitude to have about communication in any relationship. Imagine the husband that declares, “I told you I love you at our wedding. If it changes, I’ll let you know.” Such a cavalier…


“Are you saved?” the street evangelist asked me. Raised in the church as the pastor’s son, I knew what he was asking, but in the moment it wasn’t a matter I was giving much thought to. In our tradition back then, one dipped in and out of salvation depending on how successfully they lived the “Christian” life. For us that meant thinking only holy thoughts, daily prayer and Bible reading, no bad words, no dirty jokes, no smoking, drinking or…


Speaking of all the notables in the Hebrew Scriptures who had lived and died with unrealized goals, the writer of Hebrews made this observation in Hebrews 11:13-16: These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been thinking of that…
Christmas joy


Unless we’ve been startlingly entertained by a choir of angels overnight, I’m guessing our joy level is going to be low on the dipstick this Monday morning. Days are dark. “Covid” seems like it is every other word in the newscast. Winter weather is creeping lower on the weather map. And, dang it, our clothes are shrinking again. So what are we going to do about it? I suppose we could all do fifty jumping jacks while singing “Don’t Worry…

Support our Refugees

Afghan refugees are beginning to arrive to our city, and we are excited and honored to ease their transition to the U.S. by meeting tangible needs. We are sponsoring at least one family of four to six individuals who will arrive with virtually no furnishings to fill their home. Click here to view the list of items needed and to register to donate before January 3, 2022.

Mission: Christmas Cheer 2021

Mission: Christmas Cheer is an opportunity to give back during the holidays and keep Christ at the center of the season. We encourage you to get involved in one (or a few!) of the opportunities we have available this year. Hope Ministries Turkey Pickin’ Saturday, November 20 at 8:30 AM Hope Ministries: Bethel Mission (1310 6th Ave., Des Moines) For our 7th year in a row, we need 25 people to pick the meat off of 150 pre-cooked turkeys for…