If you missed this past Sunday’s message, I encourage you to check it out as we took the time to move beyond the essentials of our beliefs and into the non-essentials that are distinctives of who we are as a church. What we keep saying each week is that on each of our distinctives, there are wonderful Christians who respect and study the Bible but come away with opposite views on these issues. It simply shows how in some areas scripture is not as clear as we might like – and that should cause us to take a humble and loving stance as we discuss these issues with those who disagree with us. But on topics of critical importance, like who God is and how salvation works, all of us can agree. And that is something quite rare in this day and age.

Eternal Security?
Since this was the most common question we received in the past few weeks, I thought you might appreciate a few more angles on this question:
GotQuestions.org comes closest to what we described in our message Sunday.
The Assemblies of God describe the alternative position. But after reading their position I am left more convinced that a genuine follower of Jesus would never walk away.

Reflections on the Killings in Atlanta
Wrestling with national tragedies has become far too common for us, and yet we can never become so dull to the pain that we fail to allow them to make an impact on us. Read how one Asian-American pastor is processing his grief.

Women in Ministry
One of the primary distinctives at Ashworth is our stance on women in leadership within the church. If you want to see in greater detail how we understand the Bible’s support for this position, check out Pastor Brent’s message on this topic.
Priesthood of Believers – Includes YOU!

Message Discussion Questions
We hope the message from each Sunday sticks with you beyond the Sunday morning worship service. Take a moment to consider the questions below, and even better, talk to somebody (who attends the church or doesn’t) about them.
- If somebody asked you to explain your understanding of if a person can lose their salvation, what would you tell them?
- At Ashworth we leave room for a lot of tension and grey in our understanding of scripture. Do you appreciate this approach or do you wish we were more black and white on all issues? Why?
- What is one issue through these entire series you disagree with us about? Take a moment this week to further investigate this issue to solidify your understanding or to potentially change your view on the issue.
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