I assume God hates the cold too, afterall, we are made in his image! This past Sunday’s message, which covered hell while most churches used Valentine’s day as an opportunity to preach on Love, showed us the full scope of what it means to be human. We learned about the incredible potential we have as God’s pinnacle of creation who are made to be like him, but unfortunately made a mess of ourselves as we regularly miss God’s perfect mark and sin against him. I hope you take a moment to think about this chasm between how good you can be and how far you have fallen. And praise God that he closed that gap by dying for your sins!
3 Views of Hell
The Ashworth view of hell is that a person is eternally separated from God. What this actually looks like varies by your view of hell. Here are 3 common views of hell, all of which have some verses to support them.
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How Laughter can Help Your Marriage
God made us and he gave us the gift of laughter. Often times, and especially in the hard times, what we need more than anything is a good laugh. Wondering how laughter can help you and your spouse during tough times?
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THe Fall
So much of what we believe as Christians hinges on what the Bible tells us in the first 3 chapters of Genesis. In this series we traced the Big Story of God and in this message Pastor Brent looks at the significance of the fall, the moment when humanity became stained with sin.
Read the Message
We are His Supreme Expression

Message Discussion Questions
We hope the message from each Sunday sticks with you beyond the Sunday morning worship service. Take a moment to consider the questions below, and even better, talk to somebody (who attends the church or doesn’t) about them.
- In what areas do you doubt your own worth? Where do you need to remind yourself of how God made you and the potential inside of you?
- Who do you most struggle to see the image of God inside of? What can you do to see them as a valuable person who is filled with potential?
- If both men and women are made in the image of God, what does that say about God’s gender? Why is this important?
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