We are fast approaching the end of our digital fast: 28 days of a new approach to our technology, social media, and digital entertainment.
One of the big questions we are faced with is what now? Do you jump right back into where you were before we started? Or do you find new rhythms or habits to help keep a healthier relationship with your device and technology?
The goal was never to deprive ourselves for the sake of deprivation. It was to make us more aware of how dependent we might have become on our devices, how much we turned to them in times of silence as a distraction, and to open ourselves up to more of the presence of God.
For me, I found more time to play games with my son, Julian (he is a killer at Uno No Mercy!). I also discovered that, where an evening before this might have been spent doing a crossword or some other game on my iPad, my iPad now stays in my bag with my laptop. Well, unless I need to find a new recipe for dinner because I am bored with the old ones!
I’ve discovered that I don’t “need” my devices as much as I thought I did. The fast made me more aware every time I picked one up or opened a browser to search for something on the internet. While I may be a bit more open to some social media or a game here or there on my device, I hope I can maintain the spirit of the fast by watching how much time and how distracting this actually can be.
So, as we go through these final four days, spend some time thinking about what technology, if any, you plan to allow back into your life and at what levels. Don’t just slide back to what was. Be intentional about not becoming a slave once again to the technology around you. What steps could you take to create a sustainable boundary around your devices and technology?
Has the digital fast made a difference for you? We’d love to hear your digital fast story! Send an email, text, audio, video, or carrier pigeon to me and let me know what you learned, what you loved (what you hated), and how this has impacted you in the short and long term. How have your daily rhythms changed throughout the digital fast? How have you experienced God or others differently as a result of the fast?