Resurrection of the Dead
Artist: Suki Joseph Premnath
Artist Statement: I painted this based on a vision I had several months back. In the vision, I saw several open tombs. Lavenders in the foreground were swaying gently in the breeze. The sun was shining and the day was bright. It was a happy place.
The Holy Spirit revealed to me that the tombs are open, just as Jesus’ tomb was open on the resurrection morning. While the Spirit of God will literally raise the dead one day, He revealed that He desires for His church to step out into the resurrection realm right here right now. He desires for us to step out with the same focus that Jesus had when He stepped out of His tomb. He wants us to shed the heavy grave clothes and walk out in power. We have the same Spirit living inside of us who raised Jesus from the dead. We are children of the Resurrected King and He desires for us to live so, wherever we are – schools, colleges, workplaces, neighborhoods, churches, our own homes – sharing hope, breaking bondages, loving passionately, pursuing peace, upholding justice, all the while setting our eyes on the Resurrected Jesus.
Today’s Journaling Reflections
- What stands out to you in the image? Why do you think this stands out?
- Read Romans 6:3-11. What stands out to you in this passage?
- Read Romans 8:11. What area of your life do you believe needs to experience the resurrecting power of Jesus today?
One Comment
Agustin Thangadurai
Good inspired resurrection message . Marvellous painting. Good job done Mrs. Suki Prem Let it be blessed to more & more.all Glory to our Living Lord & Saviour