Wednesday will be an important day in American politics. Many are upset with the outcome of the election. Many are looking to the new administration to be a savior. And still others are worried about what chaos might erupt on this important day. Regardless of where you land, we need to be people who pray for our country, pray for our leaders, and pray for people to come to know the peace that is found in Jesus. So I encourage you to take a moment right now, and say a prayer.
And speaking of prayer, two weeks ago, the day the Capitol was breached by rioters, Pastor Brent wrote out a prayer for the church. Here’s what he prayed that fateful day.
Only Biblical Peacemaking Resolves Racial and Political Injustice
The election highlighted the sociopolitical divide between white evangelicals and the black church. These two groups share the Great Commission but couldn’t be further apart socially. The American church may never agree on partisan affiliation, but what must we agree on in regard to racial justice?
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The new PTSD: Present Traumatic Soul Disorder
I’m experiencing feelings that I’ve never felt before, and I’m not sure what they are. I feel unsettled most of the time, but I can’t quite place my finger on it in a way that is easy to describe. I’m only comforted by the fact that most of the friends and associates I speak with are experiencing the same or similar feelings.
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Opening the Windows of the Echo Chamber
It’s hard to learn anything new when all you hear is your own voice coming back at you. Yet we tend to retreat to our corners when speaking with others who disagree with us on spiritual and political issues. But there can be truth and life found when we listen to those with whom we disagree.
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Honest Prayer When God Feels Distant

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