Classic Worship Service
All are welcome to check out our Classic worship service, which is a traditional, Baptist worship experience that includes singing traditional hymns of the faith and Biblical teaching.
Modern Worship Service
The Modern worship service is a casual experience offering contemporary music that can be driving and upbeat, as well as contemplative and reflective. The music is accompanied by a range of instruments, sometimes a simple set with an acoustic guitar and piano or other times by a full worship band which adds drums, bass guitar, electric guitars, and a keyboard. During our Modern worship service, we offer a nursery and children’s ministry for kids up to 5th grade. Check out…
Trivia Night
Join us for connection and competition at Grounds for Celebration! Enjoy sweet drinks and good company as you test your trivia skills with others at Ashworth.
Men’s Breakfast
Join other men at Ashworth on the first Friday of every month for breakfast and intentional conversation! Please RSVP using the form below.
Senior Adult Lunch
All who consider themselves a “senior” are invited to join us for a fun once-a-month lunch in the church foyer. This is a great time to get to know others at the church. Plus, the food is always delicious! If you plan to attend, make sure to let us know by filling out the form below.
Seeking God Book Study
Do you long to be transformed by Jesus? In the book of Matthew, He promises that those who seek will find. Using the book Seeking God: Finding Another Kind of Life with St. Ignatius and Dallas Willard, Pastor Brent will take a small group of our community through spiritual exercises that invite you to encounter and be transformed by the living God. We’ll gather from 6:30 to 8 pm at the Clark household on the following Friday evenings: February 21March…