Thank you for your support of Ashworth Church. Because of your financial support and generosity, you have planted the seeds that will enable Ashworth to grow in our community, and provide a church home for you and others. Thank you for answering the call to contribute to God’s work here at Ashworth.
We are pleased to offer several options for donating. To support the ministry of Ashworth, you can:
- Give online by clicking here. Online gifts can be one-time or recurring and paid by check, debit card or credit card.
- Give by text. Simply text the amount you would like to donate to 515-320-8383. The first text donation will require registration that allows you to choose your payment method. If you wish to text to a specific fund, i.e. Building Fund, simply enter the amount and the fund name.
- Give through your bank’s bill payment option. By signing up for online banking and bill pay with your bank, you can setup Ashworth as a payee and give either a one time or recurring gift. Most banks now offer bill pay free of charge and you stay in control of when and how much is given. Contact your financial institution for more details.
- Give by USPS. Mail your donation to Ashworth Church, 5300 Ashworth Rd, West Des Moines, IA 50266
- Give on Sunday. Place your cash or check in an offering envelope provided on the backs of the chairs in our sanctuary. Then, drop off the envelope in the wooden boxes in the foyer, located just outside of the sanctuary.
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)