Family is a beautiful gift from God, but when we begin placing our families equal to or above God, we lose sight of the role God intended for family to have in our lives. As we conclude our Counterfeit Gods series, we take a look at the idolization of the American family. What if the solution to the idol of family is not thinking of our families less but integrating them into the Kingdom of God with others in true…
From the beginning of time, humans have confused humanity’s role with God’s role. We long to be in control of every aspect of our lives — our money, our families, our health, and our futures. In this message, Pastor Amy gives permission for you to be a child. More knowledge and control won’t quiet your soul, but trust in God will.
Technology surrounds us. It answers our questions, makes our lives easier, entertains us, allows us to communicate across the world, and so much more. Although technology can be used for good, it can also quickly distract, depress, and control us. In this message, Pastor Brent challenges us to return technology to its proper place and lift our eyes up to the Maker of heaven and earth.
We’ve entered the second week of the digital fast. How’s it going? What have you been noticing? This week, someone texted me that they looked at their screen time numbers, and last week’s screen time was down 56%! That’s awesome! If you’ve had a similar story of success (or even a story of struggle), we want to know! As you fast, you may notice things shifting in you. The “withdrawals” of the first week may become the urges and pangs…
As we have begun a digital fast, I have started to notice a few things about my technology habits. One has been how much background noise seems to exist because I have enabled it. Another is finding myself wondering what I should do since I don’t have websites or social media to turn to during this season. One of the most fascinating things that I am discovering is just how much of my technology habits have been on autopilot. I…
What role does technology play in your life? Do your social media accounts, emails, news channels, and video games give you peace and help you connect with Jesus? Maybe. But, if you’re like us, it’s easy for technology to go from harmless to distracting, anxiety-inducing, and unfulfilling. That’s why we’re inviting you to join us in a 28-day digital fast beginning on Sunday, February 2 and ending on Sunday, March 2. What does that look like for Ashworth Church and…