Messages by Ryan Lenerz
The Tension of Being Called Apart
Pastors Brent and Ryan look at times in the New Testament when the will of God pulled people in different directions and discuss Ryan’s new calling to First Baptist Church of Chariton, Iowa.
The Tension of the Old and New Testament
Pastor Ryan digs into the perceived tension between an angry vengeful God of the Old Testament and the loving Jesus of the New Testament. Are they really that far apart?
The Tension of Free Will Versus Sovereignty
Pastor Ryan unpacks the seeming contradiction in the Bible between human free will and God’s sovereign authority, explaining how the two concepts can both be true and work together.
The Scattered Church
It’s nice and cozy and all the people look and think just like us. But is this what Jesus envisioned when he established the church? Join Pastors Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz as they take a look at how the church cannot be all Jesus desires it to be by only gathering together. To really be the church, the church must scatter.
The Gathered Church
There are a variety of reasons why people go to church. And there are just as many reasons why people do NOT go to church. In our COVID world, does church still make sense? Pastors Brent and Ryan take a look at what brought the 1st century Jesus followers together and how that can still be a motivation for us to gather as the people of God today.
The Golden Rule
In a world where we often treat one another the way we think they deserve to be treated, Jesus offers a better way. But has the Golden Rule become just another cliche we ignore? Or is there a way for those who follow Jesus to find and bring life to others by doing to others as we would like done to us?
Don’t Worry
Worry seems to be a part fo daily life for many people. And when we hear that Jesus tells us not to worry, we worry about how not to worry! Pastors Brent and Ryan discuss what Jesus meant in the Sermon on the Mount when he say “Do not worry…but seek first the kingdom of God.”
Practice in Private
Pastor Ryan looks at how we may want others to see how religious we can be but real faith is what is done in private.
Oaths and Divorce
How important is it to keep your word and are there ever exceptions when you can’t? And how has the church gotten divorce so wrong for so long? Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz discuss these two topics to see how being trustworthy people and staying committed to marriage (if possible) should be marks of those who follow Jesus.
Salt and Light
Ever wonder how those who follow Jesus should engage with the world around us? So often, Christians set themselves up as adversaries to the culture (often known as cultural warriors), or sometimes we become consumed by the culture, thereby losing any influence. But is this really the way Jesus wants us to be? Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and dives into what it really means to be salt and light to the world.
The Invitation of the Beatitudes
Pastors Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz look at the words of Jesus and how we might miss Jesus’ invitation in the beatitudes for all to be a part of the kingdom if we try to make them a list of rules to live by. #micdup #beatitudes #Jesusownwords
This Not That Priest
Pastor Ryan looks at how the priesthood changed from the Old Testament to the New and how Jesus as our great High Priest calls us to be a priesthood of believers who follow him. Priests Through Scripture God’s Original Plan: Adam & Eve – No Priest Needed. They had direct access to God. Unfortunately, sin ruined this plan and separated humanity from God. God’s Family Plan: The Israelites – A Kingdom of Priests. In Exodus 19:6 God offered for the…