What Is Your Story?

What Is Your Story?

What Will Be Your Story in 2015? We all have a story. Where we have been. Where we are. Where we are going. And everyone’s story is different. Our stories are littered with twists and turns, good decisions and bad, blessings and trials. 

For many of us, we don’t think too much about our story. We go through life just trying to survive from day to day. We can’t stop and think about the tory being written in our lives because we have to get to work, and we have to transport our kids to their next activity, and we have to get dinner on the table, and we have to conference with teachers, and we have to make sure kids homework gets done, and we have to volunteer with that organization, and we have to collapse at the end of the day, get as much sleep as you can in 4 to 5 hours so we can get up and do it all over again tomorrow.

But you have a story. A story that is uniquely yours. A story that God is writing in your life. And if we don’t find time to stop occasionally and consider the story that is being written, we will find ourselves at the end of another year, another birthday will have passed, and we will ask ourselves, “How did I even get here?!”

What will be your 2015 story? And more importantly, who will you share that story with? Don’t allow another week to go by without hitting pause in your life for 5 minutes to ask yourself, what is the story that God is writing in my life.

At the beginning of the year, Christianity Today magazine released an article called “The Top 10 Testimonies of 2014.” In the article are ten of the most shared stories of life change, ten stories of how God interrupted these individuals lives and began to write a new story. A story of following Jesus. Over the next few days, I will repost these stories to encourage you and to continually ask, what will be your 2015 story?

Here is the story of a man who went from bank robber to Christ follower. 

It didn’t take a moment of genius introspection to realize that doing life my way had led to nothing but disaster and destruction. It was the summer of 2009, and I had just completed an almost 11-year sentence in federal prison for my role in five bank robberies I had committed as a foolish young man. After my release, I moved into an apartment with the love of my life, Annie. Two weeks later I proposed. One week after that, we learned she was pregnant.

At age 35, I was about to become a husband and father. We had no money and no real plan for our future…

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