'creed' Tagged Posts

'creed' Tagged Posts

silver lining

02.09.21 Feed

UNDERSTANDING GOD While Pastor Brent gave it his best effort to cover the essential doctrine of God in 30 minutes this past Sunday, I think we can all admit, that was an impossible task. God, being infinite, is simply beyond our grasp. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. And it doesn’t mean that God didn’t do all he could to show us who he is by coming to this world as Jesus. And yet, there will always be a chasm…

02.02.21 Feed

Unity and Diversity This past Sunday we launched a new message series called The Essentials where we discussed the gray areas in the Bible and how that leads thoughtful Christians to sometimes hold different beliefs. At Ashworth, we want to be a place to allow freedom on the non-essentials of our faith while still drawing lines and finding unity on those few beliefs we deem as essential to our faith. If you click only one link below, I highly encourage…