Messages from January 2025
The Idol of Technology
Technology surrounds us. It answers our questions, makes our lives easier, entertains us, allows us to communicate across the world, and so much more. Although technology can be used for good, it can also quickly distract, depress, and control us. In this message, Pastor Brent challenges us to return technology to its proper place and lift our eyes up to the Maker of heaven and earth.
The Idol of Money
Our attitude towards money and possessions matters. Does your money and stuff control you, or do you control it? Jesus never said that money was bad, but our heart posture towards it can easily turn money from a tool to be used for the Kingdom into an idol that can destroy our lives and relationships with Jesus.
The Idol of Success
We’ve created a system that teaches us that we are only as good as our last successes. Where does God say our value comes from, though? Follow along as we take a look at the idols of success and achievement, learning that God cares more about who we are than what we do.
First Things First
What are you living for? Your career, money, achievements, or even your family? We center our lives around countless things and relationships that often take up more of our hearts and minds than our love for Jesus. Follow along as we explore the counterfeit gods of our age in hopes that we come closer to the one, true God.