Messages from April 2023

Messages from April 2023

Values of the Kingdom

As we see in stories of Jesus in Scripture, values of His Kingdom are caught rather than taught. Pastor Steve Rogers continues our Heaven on Earth series by highlighting the values of God’s Kingdom. Those values are birthed from the Holy Spirit, ultimately propelling us to be more like Jesus in our heart, mind, and actions.

Entering the Kingdom

The things we may think get us into the Kingdom of God are often the things that pull us further away. Pastor Brent continues our series on the Kingdom by sharing what entrance should look like according to Scripture. Are we more interested in visiting the Kingdom of God or becoming citizens?

The Resurrection & the Kingdom of God

The message of Jesus is bigger than we think. This Easter Sunday, Pastor Brent begins a new series about the Kingdom of God. The resurrection isn’t just a key catalyst of establishing God’s Kingdom; it validates everything Jesus said and did.

Save Us

The contrasts we see in Jesus on Palm Sunday are numerous. As described in the book of Matthew, Jesus did not see His kingship as others did. What Jesus came to Earth to bring – humility, servanthood, healing, sacrifice, and peace – is what eventually killed Him.