Messages from June 2021

Messages from June 2021

Lust and Adultery

Pastor Brent looks at Jesus’ teaching in the Sermon on the Mount to see what Jesus has to say about lust and adultery and how our lust can be a problem for us before we ever take our clothes off.

Anger and Murder

Someone cuts you off in traffic. Someone speaks ill of you or spreads lies about you. Someone hurts someone you love. All of us could fill pages of actions and incidents that cause us to get angry. But what does our anger and more specifically how that anger manifests itself say about our hearts? Pastor Amy continues looking at Jesus’ words in the Sermon on the Mount to see how closely our anger is tied to murder and how those…

Salt and Light

Ever wonder how those who follow Jesus should engage with the world around us? So often, Christians set themselves up as adversaries to the culture (often known as cultural warriors), or sometimes we become consumed by the culture, thereby losing any influence. But is this really the way Jesus wants us to be? Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and dives into what it really means to be salt and light to the world.

The Invitation of the Beatitudes

Pastors Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz look at the words of Jesus and how we might miss Jesus’ invitation in the beatitudes for all to be a part of the kingdom if we try to make them a list of rules to live by. #micdup #beatitudes #Jesusownwords