Messages from July 2021

Messages from July 2021

How to Pray (and Not to Pray)

Many who follow Jesus struggle with how to pray often wondering if we are doing it right. Jesus gives us a framework on how to pray but prior to giving us this prayer guide he shares how not to pray.

Practice in Private

Pastor Ryan looks at how we may want others to see how religious we can be but real faith is what is done in private.

Revenge and Love

Often we find it so easy to react when things happen around us and especially to us. And yet Jesus says that those who follow him can do the extraordinary like turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, and even love our enemies. But how is this possible? Pastor Brent Clark looks at the last verses of Matthew 5 and the Sermon on the Mount to understand how these words don’t instruct us to be doormats but do show…

Oaths and Divorce

How important is it to keep your word and are there ever exceptions when you can’t? And how has the church gotten divorce so wrong for so long? Brent Clark and Ryan Lenerz discuss these two topics to see how being trustworthy people and staying committed to marriage (if possible) should be marks of those who follow Jesus.