Messages on Spiritual Warfare
The Unseen War
Pastor Ryan looks at the unseen war that rages around us and how followers of Jesus need to make sure they are fighting the right battle. Hint: It’s NOT the “other “political party, coworkers, or neighbors. Never Have I Ever – Halloween Edition Judging by the weather outside, it sure feels like fall has finally arrived. And with it, Halloween is now right around the corner. Unfortunately, we all know halloween may be a bit different this year. What I’m…
The Battle for Humanity
Pastor Brent Clark wraps up the series on spiritual warfare by looking at the very real battle going on for those who do not yet know Jesus.
Finding Victory
Pastor Ryan Lenerz takes a look at would we have victory in this spiritual battle but how victory may not look like what we think it is.
Weapons of War Part 3 – Prayer
Pastor Brent Clark continues looking at Ephesians 6 and the most important part of the spiritual battle, our prayer life.
Weapons of War Part 2
Pastor Brent Clark continues looking at the armor we’ve been given to fight the spiritual battle by examine the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.
Weapons of War Part 1
Ryan Lenerz looks at Ephesians 6 and the weapons we have to fight the spiritual battle. Part one of a two part message.
The Battle for the Mind
Lead Pastor Brent Clark continues looking the the unseen war we are engaged with and the importance of the battle of the mind.
The Real Enemy
Pastor Ryan Lenerz continues the series looking at spiritual warfare by looking at our real enemy.
Unseen Does Not Mean Unreal
Lead Pastor Brent Clark kicks off a new series looking at the theology of spiritual warfare. In this first message, Brent looks at Ephesians 6 to uncover just how real the struggle is and what keeps us in Western culture from realizing it.
Villains of the Bible – Satan – The Original Villain
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Heroes and Villains I am a self-professed nerd. I love for Star Trek. This love led me at one time to attend a Star Trek convention. One thing I have never had a great love for was comic books or graphic novels. I read a lot already, so reading is rarely a recreational activity for me. But, I do love comic book movies. Batman. Spiderman. Superman. X-Men. The Avengers.…