Messages on Spiritual Formation (Page 4)
From Ordinary to Significant
Team Pastor Amy Becker continues to look at how upside life is in the kingdom and how God takes what we consider to be an ordinary life and makes it into something very world changing and significant.
From Chaos to Calm
Pastor Brent Clark continues to explore life in the kingdom of God and the peace of God that brings calm to our chaos.
From Pain to Purpose
Pastor Ryan Lenerz continues to look at Life: Upside Down to discover how God can take our pain and turn it form pointless to purposeful.
From Death to Life
Lead Pastor Brent Clark begins a new series looking at how life in the kingdom is upside down from how we typically think life should be. He looks at Mark 8 and how Jesus tells us if we want to really live, we must die to ourselves.
Weapons of War Part 3 – Prayer
Pastor Brent Clark continues looking at Ephesians 6 and the most important part of the spiritual battle, our prayer life.
Weapons of War Part 2
Pastor Brent Clark continues looking at the armor we’ve been given to fight the spiritual battle by examine the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit.
Weapons of War Part 1
Ryan Lenerz looks at Ephesians 6 and the weapons we have to fight the spiritual battle. Part one of a two part message.
Get Fit Remix: Perseverance
Introduction Today and next week we are doing a very quick series we like to call Remix. Remix is where we look back at some sermon series we’ve done before and see if there was something we felt like we needed to talk about again, a topic we wanted to cover but didn’t get worked into the schedule, or because we thought the topic was of such importance, we just felt like it was good to bring up as a reminder.…
Summer School: Discipline
Introduction Today is our final day of Summer School! That’s right, for many of our kids, the school year starts back up this week and we can finally put some routine into our schedules. And it also means today’s message wraps up all that we have taught you over eight weeks of Summer School. To recap, we began by saying Proverbs isn’t a how-to book, it’s a how to BE book. Its not just a book of pithy, fortune cookie…
Summer School: Laziness
Introduction Days off are great. In fact, wouldn’t it be nice if every day was a day off? That’s what retirement is like, right? I kid — I hear from most our retired folks that life after work seems busier than when they had 40 hour a week jobs! But back to lazy days off — as good as it sounds to some of us to have nothing to do and nothing to work on day after day, we need to…
Riding the Waves
Introduction This week, Vacation Bible School has all been about one theme: Catching the Wave of God’s Amazing Love. What is fascinating about this statement is the idea of the wave. Because depending on your perspective, and honestly your location, the wave can have either a positive or a negative connotation. It is good when you are on top of the wave, riding that wave to the shore, but when the waves are out of control, crashing all around you,…
God is Holy
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction We are in the middle of a series of messages where we are trying to fill in the the blank, “God is .” Our goal is to deepen our understanding of who God is. When we deepen our understanding of who God is, this results in a response. We cannot come face to face with God and just walk away from it. God is not some benign force…