Messages on Seeking God (Page 3)

Messages on Seeking God (Page 3)

Give God a Second Chance

Would God Give Me a Second Chance?

Pastor Brent Clark looks again at the story of the Prodigal Son and how the response of the Father of the story is an example of who God pursues, welcomes, and forgives us, giving us a second chance.

Faithful: Pure Faith

Lately, my son has been infatuatedwith a show on the Travel Channel called “Gem Hunt.” In the show, the maincharacter, Ron LeBlanc, is traveling around the world to remote areas insearch of precious gems. Often, he’ll show up in a village and people from allover will bring him colored rocks for him to buy. His problem is that among thevery valuable, pure gemstones are common worthless stones, impure stones, andsynthetic stones made to imitate the real thing. One of the…