Messages on Mental Health
The Idol of Control
From the beginning of time, humans have confused humanity’s role with God’s role. We long to be in control of every aspect of our lives — our money, our families, our health, and our futures. In this message, Pastor Amy gives permission for you to be a child. More knowledge and control won’t quiet your soul, but trust in God will.
Asking the Experts
As we learn what it means to pursue full mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health, we decided to ask a few experts in the mental health field, Anna Keppen and Matthew Becker, to share their knowledge and experiences with us. How can we take steps towards wholeness? How can we support the people around us as we pursue emotionally healthy spirituality?
Honest to God
To know God, we also have to know ourselves. Pastor Brent kicks off a new series that highlights the significance of honest, authentic relationships—the ones we have with ourselves, with others, with our community, and with God. As we learn more about who we are, we also learn more about who God is.
What Are you Doing Here?
Through the twists and turns of life, we can often end up in places we didn’t expect, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. By looking at the question God asks Elijah, we can learn to recognize the warning signs of our burnout and brokenness and find the presence of God waiting for us there.
New Normal for Coping and Addiction
Pastor Brent Clark interviews Melissa Dale with Celebrate Recovery at Lutheran Church of Hope in West Des Moines about the impact of COVID-19 on addiction and how there is help and hope for any dealing with habits, hurts, or hangups. Ashworth@Home As you meet as Ashworth@Home groups or maybe just have conversations with friends and neighbors about the new normal we are all facing, here are some questions you can use to have a spiritual discussion. DISCUSSION GUIDE TO CONTINUE…
New Normal for Mental Health
As you meet as Ashworth at Home groups or maybe just have conversations with friends and neighbors about the new normal we are all facing, here are some questions you can use to have a spiritual discussion. Discussion Guide to Continue the Conversation What’s been your quarantine indulgence? What’s the silver lining during the pandemic and, what’s been your biggest challenge during the pandemic? How does following Jesus impact your mental health for the positive and possibly the negative? What is…
Sermon Podcast Audio Your browser does not support the audio element. Introduction Since the beginning of the new year, we have been talking about something that is usually on everyone’s mind when a new year begins — how to get fit. We have talked about the obvious things, the things people aren’t usually afraid to talk about, some that often we even joke about. We began with discussing how to become BodyFit. The important part isn’t the number on the scale or…