Messages on Jesus (Page 3)

Messages on Jesus (Page 3)

Questioning Jesus

Who Is This?

In a time of uncertainty, questions abound. But questions are nothing new. During the life and ministry of Jesus, questions surrounded him and his motives. In a new series called Questioning Jesus, we will examine questions asked to, by and around Jesus to see how these questions can shape our faith. In this first message, Pastor Brent Clark looks at the triumphal entry of Jesus and how in this moment, those who saw and knew Jesus asked who is this?
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Given Life to Give Life

Pastor Brent looks at the tension that exists between what Jesus said and what we think and how it is in surrendering to Jesus that true life can be experienced so that we can then give life to others.
waukee church, clive church

I Am the True Vine

Pastor Brent wraps up the I Am series by look at Jesus final I Am statement in John 15 and what it means that Jesus is the vine and how we are to remain in him.
waukee church, clive church

I Am the Resurrection and the Life

Pastor Brent Clark looks at the miracle of the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead to see how Jesus as the resurrection and the life affirms God’s loves for us and help us get beyond our “if onlys” when we see the resurrection is more than an event, when we see the resurrection is a person, Jesus Christ, as found in John 11:1-44.
waukee church, clive church

I Am the Good Shepherd

Pastor Ryan looks at what it means for Jesus to call himself the Good Shepherd and how we too should be good shepherds of those in our care. Part 4 of 6 of the I Am Jesus series.
waukee church, clive church

I Am the Gate

Pastor Brent continues the I Am Jesus series by looking at how Jesus’ self description as a gate isn’t a reflection of his desire to keep people out, but rather is the revelation of himself as the good shepherd and his desire to make salvation possible as seen in John 10:1-10.
Church West Des Moines

The Love Boat

Pastor Ryan looks at the most familiar verse of the Bible, John 3:16, to look at how the love of God isn’t meant to be a warm fuzzy feeling but how God’s love can give us security.
Church West Des Moines

It’s Not Easy

Pastor Ryan wraps up The Red Letters series by looking at Luke 9 and how Jesus’ words that call us to follow him challenge our comfort, obligations, and relationship and that the commitment to follow Jesus really is not easy.
Church West Des Moines

The Doctor Is In!

Guest Speaker Andy Hermanson teaches on Matthew 9 where Jesus tells his disciples that healthy people don’t need a doctor but that sick people do. Fortunately Jesus is the doctor who can bring healing to our lives!