Messages on Holy Spirit
Ghost Stories
As followers of Christ, we become the dwelling place of God through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Amy concludes our series by exploring how the Holy Spirit both transforms and empowers us to live lives fully devoted to Jesus.
Freedom in the Spirit
As we conclude our series studying the book of Galatians, we learn that there’s a difference between loving to earn God’s favor and loving because you’ve experienced it. Paul demonstrates that it’s not about what you do—it’s about who you are inside.
Values of the Kingdom
As we see in stories of Jesus in Scripture, values of His Kingdom are caught rather than taught. Pastor Steve Rogers continues our Heaven on Earth series by highlighting the values of God’s Kingdom. Those values are birthed from the Holy Spirit, ultimately propelling us to be more like Jesus in our heart, mind, and actions.
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is present throughout The Big Picture, but we see this part of God revealed in more significant ways following the ministry of Jesus. Who is the Holy Spirit, and how does He still help us today?
The Essentials – Holy Spirit
Pastor Amy looks at the empowering of the Holy Spirit in our lives and how our belief in the Spirit is essential to living as God desires his people to live. Discussion Questions How do you think your introduction to the Holy Spirit (as a child or as a new believer) impacts how you view the Holy Spirit today? Where do you see the fruit of the Spirit growing in your life? If you don’t see growth, why do you…
What the World Needs Now is Spirit-Filled Christians
Pastor Brent Clark looks at the importance of those who follow Jesus to be filled with and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
I Will Pour Out My Spirit
Pastor Brent looks at Joel 2 to examine what we might be missing if we aren’t availing ourselves to the outpouring of the Spirit of God.
God Still With Us
Pastors Brent and Ryan continue a look at the book of Acts and the beginning of the church to see how the arrival of the Holy Spirit gives the church both then and today all that is needed to continue God’s work in the world.
The Other Guy – The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
In the spirit of full disclosure, I have to begin by saying I was raised in a Pentecostal home, so this series on the Holy Spirit covers topics I am well versed in. For those who aren’t familiar with the word “Pentecostal” — it’s a sub-group of Christians who expect the supernatural works of the Holy Spirit to show up in their lives on a regular basis. So, I was given the opportunity to share about the gifts of the…
Living with the Spirit
What it means to be filled with and living in the Spirit.
Who Is the Holy Spirit?
Understanding and experiencing the Spirit leads to empowering by the Spirit for greater impact in the world.