Messages on Growing in Faith

Messages on Growing in Faith

Our Response

Now that we’ve explored who Jesus is, it’s time to respond. Pastor Brent and Pastor Amy dive into the various responses to Jesus we see in Scripture, encouraging us to follow Jesus in every facet of our lives.

In Practice

Following Jesus isn’t easy. It’s not just about believing the “right” thing or praying the “right” thing. It’s about relationship, one that takes time and effort to cultivate. Hear from several people in our congregation who are trying their best to cultivate their faith—not from a sense of guilt or obligation, but from a desire to know God and be known by Him.

What is the Soil?

Where have you planted roots? In a world of countless options, it’s difficult to find the best soil. Listen as Pastor Brent launches our new sermon series, focusing on being rooted in Jesus.

Reheating the Leftovers

We conclude our Today’s Special series with one final meal. In the book of Revelation, John records a letter with Jesus’ words that gives the church in Laodicea a rebuke and invitation to repentance and dependence on God. We get tot you in the past? What as see how Jesus approaches correction. When Jesus corrects, He leans into the relationship rather than away from it.

What Is Your Name?

Have you ever given much consideration to the meaning of your name? In an age when finding trendy, popular, or familial names seems to be the utmost importance, we can miss how significant it was when those in the Bible named their children. Pastor Brent looks in Genesis at the story of Jacob to discover the significance if his birth name and how impacting it was when God changed his name.

Handling the Tension

Knowing and understanding tension exists in faith is a good start, but how do we actually live this out day to day? Pastor Brent concludes the Tension series by looking at how to handle the tension in everyday life.

The Tension of Unity and Holiness

In an increasingly fractured and permissive world, how can those who follow Jesus possibly pursue unity and holiness? Pastor Brent Clark looks at the tension of unity and holiness and shows how we must not give ourselves over to one side or the other but learn to live in the tension.

The Tension of Weakness and Strength

Be strong! Show no signs of weakness! These are the messages we hear that lead us to believe that showing weakness is always a bad thing. However, when you look at Jesus, we see the one who created everything with a spoken word and was still broken on the cross. Join Pastor Amy as she looks at how those who follow Jesus can live in the tension of being weak, yet still, be strong.

Tension of Being In the World and Not Of It

In and of. Prepositions. Two small words. Small words can seem insignificant but can make all the difference in living a faith that follows Jesus. Pastor Brent looks at Jesus’ prayer in John 17 to see what Jesus meant and how we can live both in the world and not of it.


One sure way to find out what someone treasures is to look at how they spend their time and money. Often we are surprised at how what we say we value doesn’t get the most or bets of our attention and resources. Pastor Amy Becker looks at the Sermon on the Mount and how Jesus challenges us to see those things we invest in the most are the things we truly care about and value and how your heart follows…

Salt and Light

Ever wonder how those who follow Jesus should engage with the world around us? So often, Christians set themselves up as adversaries to the culture (often known as cultural warriors), or sometimes we become consumed by the culture, thereby losing any influence. But is this really the way Jesus wants us to be? Pastor Ryan Lenerz looks at Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and dives into what it really means to be salt and light to the world.

Beyond Me

Pastor Brent challenges the conventional wisdom of the day that says you do you by examining what it really means to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow Jesus. Introduction What do you prefer? Let’s learn a bit about you based on your brand preference: Zoom or MS Teams? This is the ultimate COVID option.Coke or Pepsi? The original question.Casey’s or Kim & Go? What about breakfast pizza?Levi’s or Wranglers?iPhone or the other device?Walmart or Target?Facebook or Snapchat?Jesus or Jesus?…
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