Messages on Good News
First Things First
Watch as Pastor Brent explores Galatians 3, teaching us about the relationship between the Law, God’s people, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Ultimately, it’s not about what we can do. It’s about what God can do through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
Hypocrisy & Justification
In Galatians 2, Paul addresses a church defined by hypocrisy. In this passage, we find that the Good News of the Gospel is not righteousness through religious practice. It’s receiving righteous position through justification.
The True Message
Join us for a new series focusing on the book of Galatians! This week, Pastor Brent explores the first chapter of this letter. As you listen, ask yourself: Is Christ enough?
God’s Story in a Movie About Aliens
Sometimes movies are only about the entertainment they can bring. We watch that show or movie and enjoy our time with little to no impact on us going forward. But every once in a while, there’s a movie or show that gives us a glimpse of the story of God. Pastor Brent shares how the 2016 movie Arrival caught him off guard with a beautiful, 21st-century, science fiction-based picture of the love of God.
The corruption and pain we’ve discussed over the past few weeks does not negate the importance of sharing our faith in Jesus anyways. However, we need to approach those conversations with love and a desire to build authentic relationships. We conclude the Asking for a Friend series with a panel discussion addressing that very issue.
What the World Needs Now
Pastor Brent Clark looks at Mark 1 and how what we call the good news is n’t always what Jesus himself said was the good news. The good news is the kingdom of God has come near and is what the world needs now.
Threads: Jesus Changes Everything
Every so often, something or someone comes along that radically transforms the way we think or the way we do things. An event happens, a product is invented, an event transpires, a person is born, and life as we know it is changed forever. For years and years, if you wanted to talk to someone on the phone, you did it standing next to a device that was on a shelf or hanging on the wall. And if you wanted…